Funding Our Children's Futures
The Kiwanis Club of Silverton is dedicated to helping children thrive and succeed in Silverton and beyond. Our scholarship program was created to help ensure our local students, especially those either partially or wholly dependent on their own resources, continue to seek new and exciting opportunities as they enter adulthood. The scholarships are granted to any person in the Silverton area (graduating high school senior or individual in the community) for the purpose of furthering his or her education in any post-secondary college, community college or vocation school.
The club awards up to three $500 scholarships and one $1,000 scholarship to both general and Key Club applicants. Scholarships are judged by the applicants’ school performance, previous awards received, involvement in school-related and/or career-related activities, and financial need. In order to qualify for the Key Club scholarship, applicants must be an active and dues-paying member of Key Club.
The application is available online via the Silverton High School website. Completed applications are due by March 31.
The club awards up to three $500 scholarships and one $1,000 scholarship to both general and Key Club applicants. Scholarships are judged by the applicants’ school performance, previous awards received, involvement in school-related and/or career-related activities, and financial need. In order to qualify for the Key Club scholarship, applicants must be an active and dues-paying member of Key Club.
The application is available online via the Silverton High School website. Completed applications are due by March 31.